Vol. 2 No. 01 (2017): European Journal of Philosophy in Arts Education

It is my pleasure to introduce the second ever issue of the European Journal of Philosophy in Arts Education (EJPAE). The first issue was a milestone in that it started the voyage into whatever EJPAE will become, and was also met with good receptions. Most notably, EJPAE has been assessed and found to be of high enough quality to be ranked on level one on the Norwegian ranking list of academic journals.
This issue, the first of two in 2017, consists of only one article, but what an article it is. Three of the most central Hanna Arendt scholars within the field of music education have come together and written an important article about how Hanna Arendt can inform the field of music education. Representing Canada, Greece and Sweden, Cathy Benedict, Panagiotis A. Kanellopoulos (Panos) and Cecilia Ferm Almqvist has, based on three different self experienced scenes, reflected on what Arendt could bring to the table today. The article started out as a part of a panel presentation at the International Society of Philosophy in Music Education (ISPME) in Frankfurt 2015, and has been worked on from different countries via the internet since then. The authors argue that Arendt is more important than ever in a world were technical neo-liberalist values are the norm. Arendt’s ideas are here tweaked and presented as a possible eye opener to understand the political and its relation to creativity in music teaching and learning.
This issue is in other words a meal consisting of one fine dish that will take time to eat and digest, but will keep you satisfied for a long time. Bon appétit!
Ketil Thorgersen
Editor in Chief Stockholm September 14th 2017