Vol. 1 No. 01 (2016): INAUGURAL ISSUE OF EJPAE

It is with great pleasure I write this first editorial for the European Journal of Philosophy in the Arts. The journal was born as an idea after a stimulating conference in Frankfurt, Germany in the International Society for Philosophy in Music Education in the summer of 2015. It struck me that there are only a few journals for publishing texts concerning more theoretical and philosophical texts within arts education. Within Music Education, there is one journal with this particular focus, Philosophy of Music Education Review (PMER). There is also Action, Criticism and Theory (ACT). Both are good journals, but both belong to the American tradition of philosophy and political thought. From my experience, coming from a multidisciplinary department of the arts, it struck me that much of the philosophical and theoretical educational debate is shared between the arts – or can be interesting between the arts because of their differences. It with the ambition to provide an open and stimulating platform for such discussion that EJPAE now is launched.